Saturday Sun 12.02.2023

Created by Laura Wright
An overhead shot shows a box of Christmas tree ornaments and garlands.

Welcome to the first weekend of December! December!! I can’t believe it, but I’m also just happy to be in the thick of the holidays. I’m a very reflective and sentimental person, so this month is a special time. We are hanging up all the decorations and holiday lights this weekend. Really looking forward to a little snack board supper while we decorate the tree.

I’m also hoping to rest a bit. I’ve been dizzy and lightheaded with a bout of vertigo all week. This is my first time experiencing this! Truthfully I thought I had gotten a bad case of food poisoning at first–it’s such a wild feeling. I’m never taking my regular state of health for granted again, that’s for sure. This year has been hectic and just a lot in general, so perhaps a signal to slow down a bit.

I always close these posts with a message to take care or be well. This weekend, I’m taking my own advice! Have a good one and sending love ♥️

5 Things I’m Reading:

  1. The people who ruined the internet
  2. How to leave a parasocial relationship
  3. The unlikely love story of an endangered tree and the little bird who eats its seeds
  4. How Your Protein Needs Change as You Age
  5. Embracing Courage in a World in Crisis

5 Things I’m Enjoying:

  1. André 3000 Talks His New Album and Life After Outkast
  2. On my lifelong bucket list: visiting Italy during olive harvest/oil pressing season
  3. Six year old leads a super relaxing guided meditation
  4. Radicchio leaf trinket dishes!!
  5. Just a dog happily hopping around in the snow

5 Questions:

  1. What sweeteners do you use most often?
    Very Canadian answer: maple syrup is my go-to most of the time! We can buy large format jugs of it locally, so I just decant into a smaller bottle as I use it up. We keep the big jug in our garage fridge. I use regular old cane sugar for baking most of the time because it’s the best in terms of structure and overall taste. I’m a big fan of letting treats be treats! For sweetening my coffee, I use vanilla-flavoured stevia drops because I’ve just gotten used to it over the years and nothing else will do at this point. The only sweetener that I avoid really is aspartame, but I do enjoy the odd diet Dr. Pepper (why does it taste better than regular Dr. Pepper?!).
  2. Favorite ground chilies?
    The Diaspora Co. ground Guntur Sannam chilies have the perfect, most versatile heat level in my opinion. They have a tangy tomato-y depth of flavour that I love. I also use Aleppo pepper often and ground ancho or chipotle chilies when I’m cooking Mexican-inspired cuisine.
  3. Favourite vegan savoury breakfast?
    Reheated leftover rice and beans with avocado and hot sauce. The simple things are sometimes the best! I go in phases where this is the only thing that I want for breakfast, so I’m always cooking extra rice to combine with either my own cooked black beans from Flourist or canned ones. It’s nice to serve them up with chopped green onions/pickled red onions, pickled jalapeño, maybe some chopped greens, sprouts, leftover roasted veg, or basically any other stuff that I’m looking to use up.
  4. Did you ever have any luck making coconut yogurt?
    I made a few good batches, but there was a surprising amount of variation based on which brand of canned coconut milk I used. The probiotic capsules didn’t seem to factor in as much as long as I stuck to relatively similar amounts of CFU’s. Because of the varied success amongst coconut milk brands, I’m not super confident about sharing a recipe at this time.
  5. Favourite way to slow down and enjoy the holidays purposefully with your loved ones?
    I love this question. Getting outside for a winter hike or even a little bonfire is so nice. Of course I love cooking and baking this time of year as a way to savour this special time. Game nights are a staple for us, and I really want to host a gingerbread house decorating party this year. I find myself feeling so reflective and just grateful this time of year, so I always try to balance the social busyness with pockets of quiet time for meditation, journaling, going for a solo walk etc.
02/12/2023 (Last Updated 05/12/2024)



    Hi Laura, I just wanted to thank you for all of the insightful and somehow perfectly attune material you send our way week after week without fail. I can’t tell you how many times an article has really resonated and felt so applicable to what I was going through. The world is lucky to have you! Thank you for making it a better place to live out there amidst all the suffering. Just wanted to let you know what a difference you’re making in case you forgot

  • Susan

    The Doggers with Kirkland shirts……I had such a laugh! great post as always and no I do not get enough protein… be well

  • Elizabeth

    I’m so sorry you’re experiencing vertigo and lightheadedness! I was diagnosed with autonomic dysfunction this year and know how disruptive and debilitating these symptoms can be. I really hope it’s short-lived and you’re feeling like yourself again soon! As always, thank you for these thoughtful weekend posts.

  • Sarah Fabian

    Trinket dishes and muse en place dishes for the win!

    • Maris

      Thank you Laura. Your cookbook is coming to me this week. Yay. ( I can hug you now. Lol) Your tips + tricks as re so helpful . Love ALL your recipes & posts. ✌️